❓ package.json

The targets object in package.json

ΒΆ Fields

These are the fields that Parcel uses for its configuration:

ΒΆ main / module / browser

These are common fields used by other tools as well,

"main": "dist/main/index.js",
"module": "dist/module/index.js",
"browser": "dist/browser/index.js"

They default to library mode (meaning they don't bundle dependencies): (see also targets)

If one these fields is specified, Parcel will create a target for that field (no property in targets is needed)

To make Parcel ignore one of these fields, specify false in target.(main|browser|module):

"main": "unrelated.js",
"targets": {
"main": false

If the browser field is an object, package.json#browser[pkgName] can be used instead of package.json#browser.

Note that there will always be at least one target, even with main: false. (So the default target will be used instead of main.)

ΒΆ custom targets

To create your own target (without any of the semantics of the common target described previously), add a top-level field with your target's name and output path. You also need to add it to targets to make Parcel recognize that field.

"app": "www/index.js",
"targets": {
"app": {}

ΒΆ source

Specify the entry points for your source code which gets mapped to your targets, can be a string or an array.

"source": "src/index.js"
"source": ["src/index.js", "src/index.html"]

See Specifying Entrypoints.

ΒΆ targets

Targets are configured via the package.json#targets field.

"app": "dist/browser/index.js",
"appModern": "dist/browserModern/index.js",
"targets": {
"app": {
"engines": {
"browsers": "> 0.25%"
"appModern": {
"engines": {
"browsers": "Chrome 70"

Each target has a name which corresponds to a top-level package.json field such as package.json#main or package.json#app which specify the primary entry point for that target.

Each of those targets contains the target's environment configuration (all of these properties are optional):

Option Possible values Description
context see below In which runtime the bundles should run.
distDir string Specify output folder (as opposed to output file)
engines package.json#engines Higher priority than package.json#engines
includeNodeModules see below Whether to bundle all/none/some node_module dependencies
isLibrary boolean Library as in "npm library"
minify boolean Whether to enable minification (exact behaviour is determined by plugins).
Set by --no-minify
outputFormat `'global' 'esmodule'
publicUrl string The public url of the bundle at runtime
scopeHoist boolean Whether to enable scope hoisting
Needs to be true for ESM and CommonJS outputFormat.
Set by --no-scope-hoist
sourceMap see below Enable/disable sourcemap and set options.
Overwritten by --no-source-maps

However, a lot of the normal configuration for building a library is already provided by default for you:

targets = {
main: {
engines: {
node: value("package.json#engines.node"),
browsers: unless exists("package.json#browser") then value("package.json#browserlist")
isLibrary: true
module: {
engines: {
node: value("package.json#engines.node"),
browsers: unless exists("package.json#browser") then value("package.json#browserlist")
isLibrary: true
browser: {
engines: {
browsers: value("package.json#browserslist")
isLibrary: true
ΒΆ context

Possible values are 'node' | 'browser' | 'web-worker' | 'service-worker' | 'electron-main' | 'electron-renderer'.

These values can be used by plugins (e.g. a service worker url should not contain a hash, a webworker can use importScripts).

For the common targets, these are inferred from the target:

ΒΆ includeNodeModules

This fields defaults to false when isLibrary is true. Possible values are:

See Module Resolution for more information.

ΒΆ sourceMap

Can be a boolean (to simply enable / disable source maps) or an option (which is somewhat equivlant to true):

Option Default value Description
inline false Include the sourcemap as a data-url in the bundle (in the sourceMappingURL)
inlineSources false Should the sourcemap contain the sources contents (otherwise, they will be loaded from ${sourceRoot}/$(name))
sourceRoot path.relative(bundle, pojectRoot) Essentially the public url for the sources

The --no-source-maps CLI parameter sets the default value to false (as opposed to true).

ΒΆ engines / browserslist

These top-level fields set the default value for target.*.engines.browsers and target.*.engines, respectively.

Specifies the environment.

"browserslist": ["> 0.2%", "not dead"]
"engines": {
"node": ">=4.x",
"electron": ">=2.x",
"browsers": "> 0.25%"

ΒΆ alias

See Module Resolution

ΒΆ Which package.json is used when specifying multiple entries (packages)

All paths are relative to /some/dir/my-monorepo.

cwd entries used pkg.json#* (fields described below)
.. packages/*/src/**/*.js package.json
. packages/*/src/**/*.js package.json
packages/ packages/*/src/**/*.js package.json
packages/pkg-a packages/pkg-a/src/index.js packages/pkg-a/package.json
packages/pkg-a/src packages/pkg-a/src/index.js packages/pkg-a/package.json